The biggest, craziest and long awaited show in the gaming industry is on. It lasts between 8-12 May, it's held in Los Angeles and it's the gamer's dream to be there. All the major players in the industry are there so if you want to keep up check the news on E3.This is my latest opinion regarding what's happening there right now.
Sony VS Microsoft VS Nintendo
Here's my opinion on this:
Sony - saw the conference at E3, it really kicked ass...very cool game demos, we can easily see the power of the Cell in those, nice controller with tilt (it's the advantage of the last comer: analog triggers from X360, tilt sensor from Wii, same nice design which already confirmed, and NO, I don't think this is a rip, they just took what's good from the competitors), great Eye Toy functionality, WOW effect with the PSP integration. Looks awesome, can't wait to put my hands on this piece of hardware. :)
Microsoft - Very nice presentation, they've put accent on the upcoming line-up of games, good hardware, no secrets unrevealed: we already knew about the camera, HD-DVD add-on, another headset though?? Let's hope they'll integrate VoIP soon enough. Creating a hardware which allows you to connect X360 peripherals to your PC is a good idea indeed. X360 remains the best option for the best price. They have announced about 800 next-gen titles by the end of the year which sounds more than interesting.
Nintendo - Yes, they really convinced me into getting a Wii, they surely redefine the gaming experience without any powerful franchises like Sony or Microsoft. Even if Nintendo has some too. Wii looks like packed fun with your friends. It's a must buy in my opinion. :)
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